Competition Guidleines Bizau Traillauf & Erlebnistrail
Regulations Bizau Traillauf and Erlebnistrail
Regulations Bizau Traillauf and Erlebnistrail
SV Bizau, overall race manager:
Norbert Rauch
+43 (0) 664 274 90 23
Start: 09:00 h, Bizau Trail, 10:00 h Erlebnistrail, Soccer field Bizau
Time finish: 15:00 h for all participants
Bizau Erlebnistrail: Take a look at the distance
Bizau Traillauf: Take a look at the distance
online till , late registration possible during start number give-out
FRI , 18:00-20:00 h, Club house FC Bizau
SAT , 07:00-09:00 h, Club house FC Bizau
If the current Corona regulation allow it
Club house FC Bizau, Municipal Hall Bizau
Electronic timekeeping by the company Abavent
start / finish catering, Bizau
V1: KM 11 Niedere
V2: KM 20,5 Vorsäß Hinteregg
V3: KM 26,5 Vorsäß See
with isotonic drink + water in canisters
no cups at the feediing stations!!
1 lab station about halfway towards Vorsäß See (drinks in cups)
A high level of ability and self-responsibility when running in alpine terrain and in a wide variety of weather conditions (snow, rain, moisture) is a prerequisite for this event. Each athlete should therefore decide for himself what else he needs for equipment (jacket, hat, gloves, food, sticks, …)! The equipment will be checked prior by the organizer.
For the Erlebnistraillauf there is no equipment required!
12.00 h: Station Niedere
13.30 h: Vorsäß Hinteregg front section
15.00 h: Station Vorsäß See
Minimum age 8 years, ranking for both female and male, in addition team rating (at least 3 starters, each of 3 fastest rated)
Minimum age 16 years, ranking for both female and male
Bizau Trail
at approx. 14:00h FC Bizau Stadium, finisher line
11:30h after the race
1st to 3rd place
till 07.05.2023: 30€ / 50€
Late Registration: +10€
During competition, we place great emphasis on fairness and environmental protection. Anyone who is unsportsmanlike (shortcuts, disregard of the official instructions, leaving the marked route, ignoring the nature: Throw TRASH in the designated waste bins!) is disqualified by the race management without exception.
By submitting the entry, each participant agrees with the conditions of competition and conduct. It is to be noted that the athlet mainly moves in alpine terrain and must be aware of the risk of injury during falls. Furthermore, the provisions of the Road Traffic Regulations apply. No liability is assumed for theft and other damages. The start is on your own responsibility, therefore the participant also has to take care of his physical fitness himself.
At the Bizau Traillauf all athletes of the age groups 2008 and older are eligible to participate (Erlebnistraillauf from year 2016).
Furthermore, the participant agrees to make the film and picture material, which is made during the event, fully available to the organizer, eg. it can be used for advertising and marketing purposes.
The competition takes place in all weather conditions. The organizer reserves the right, however, in case of „Danger in default“ to prematurely discontinue, shorten or change the course without any claim for reimbursement of the entry fee (eg. severe weather, force majeure …) according to the instructions of the organizer and the accordingly indicated helper is without exception to obey. For actions that interfere with the proper conduct of the race, endanger the safety of other participants or themselves, as well as exceeding checkout points, helpers are entitled to disqualify or remove the competitor. Furthermore, medical assistants are able to protect the participant from the race, if there are signs of health imbalances.
In case of any kind of prevention or non-participation, cancellation of the registration there is no entitlement to a refund of the entry fee.
We wish all participants a lot of fun, a fair and successful competition!